Organize Your Home

Although clutter is rarely recognized as a significant source of stress, a disorganized, cluttered home can leave you feeling anxious and overwhelmed. That’s because clutter triggers excessive sensory stimulation, making it more difficult to relax, both mentally and physically. Therefore, organizing and decluttering your living space can have a positive impact on your health, while also making your manufactured home look spotless.

Whether you own a single, double, or triple-wide manufactured home, organizing every room may seem like a lofty goal. As spring is the best time to work on home organization projects, we’ve compiled a list of home organization ideas that could save you time, money, and stress. To make your home organization project seem even more doable, we’re going to break it down room by room. 


The Kitchen

One of the biggest challenges for manufactured homeowners is to get rid of all the non-essentials in their kitchens. Old spices that you no longer use, for example, can be thrown away. As well, you could donate or sell the kitchen appliances that you don’t really need. Once you get rid of all the non-essentials, reorganize your kitchen by arranging the most-used items in the central cabinets and drawers. Then, you can place the items that you don’t use that often higher up or in the back of your cabinets and drawers.

If you need extra space for pots, pans, and/or appliances, consider placing a few shelves on top of your cabinets and refrigerator. You could also take advantage of wasted surface space. For instance, you can use adhesive hooks to hang large pans on the sides of your cabinets and awkward-to-store lids on the inside of your cabinet doors. Another way to keep clutter to a minimum is to use dividers in your drawers.


The Pantry

The best way to organize your pantry is to group like items together in clear storage containers. Using clear containers allows you to take a quick look and see everything you have. If you have a small pantry, there are different solutions you could opt for to maximize your storage space. On the other hand, if your manufactured home doesn’t have a pantry, and you’re a passionate DIYer, you could build your own space-saving, roll-out pantry


The Living Room

Because your living room can serve as a place for relaxation, entertainment, and even for working out, it can end up full of clutter. The best way to control mess in your living room is to use furniture with hidden storage, which allows you to stow away different things. As an example, you can find coffee tables, ottomans, and sofas that provide ample storage space for items like DVDs, toys, board games, books, magazines, exercise equipment, and so on. Another great idea to make your living room look more organized is to place your remote controls and game controllers in a pretty box or tray. You can also keep one or more decorative baskets for throw blankets and pillows.


Your Bedroom and Kids’ Room

Bedrooms and kids’ rooms tend to become crowded and disorganized very quickly. To keep these rooms decluttered, prevent discarded clothes from piling up on the chairs. As well, check the items that you keep in your nightstands and remove all the things that you don’t need or use. It’s also important to declutter your closets regularly. Another thing you can do to keep your bedroom clean and organized all the time is to place a laundry basket so that you can get rid of dirty clothes easily. It doesn’t have to be a laundry hamper; you can choose any type of basket that aligns with your bedroom decor.

Coming down to your kids’ room, it’s important to decide together what will stay and what will go. Besides teaching your kids the basic principles of organization, involving them in your home organization project will help them understand the importance of keeping things tidy.


The Bathroom and Laundry Room

Using shelving units that take up the entire wall space is a great idea to make your bathroom and laundry room look more organized and more attractive. As well, a towel rack added to the inside of your linen closet door creates an out-of-sight storage space for items like towels and tablecloths. When decluttering your bathroom and laundry room, make sure that you also discard toiletries and other items that you haven’t used in the last year.

Clearing clutter is not only about having a beautifully organized manufactured home. It’s also about changing your life for the better, as a clutter-free home requires less time and energy to clean. 

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